Senin, 02 Mei 2016

PowerShell v2 Function ConvertFrom Rot13

Here is a quick function to convert ROT13 values (check them out here if you dont know what it is) for PowerShell. No encoding, purely decoding:
function ConvertFrom-Rot13
              Mandatory = $true,
              ValueFromPipeline = $true
     [String] $string = $null;
     $rot13string.ToCharArray() |
          Write-Verbose"$($_): $([int] $_)"
          if((([int] $_ -ge 97) -and ([int] $_ -le 109)) -or (([int] $_ -ge 65) -and ([int] $_ -le 77)))
              $string += [char] ([int] $_ + 13);
          elseif((([int] $_ -ge 110) -and ([int] $_ -le 122)) -or (([int] $_ -ge 78) -and ([int] $_ -le 90)))
              $string += [char] ([int] $_ - 13);
              $string += $_


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